SINCE 1952

Based on your specific requirements, we will engineer and create a bearing design solution for you.

The design and development of rolling bearings is a complex engineering process that involves several important steps and takes into account various factors such as load, rotation speed, operating conditions, materials and manufacturing technologies, method of mounting. We design bearings to meet 100% of the technical requirements defined by the client.


Based on your requirements, we will prepare an accurate bearing lifetime calculation for you.

Lifetime of rolling bearings depends on various factors such as load, rotational speed, lubricant, bearing precision and design, operating conditions, material used and maintenance. Its determination is an integral part of the work of our specialists. 

If the warranty period of AKE bearings expires, we offer you a bearing reconditioning service. The reconditioning of rolling bearings is an important process for maintaining the proper operation of bearings in seating after long periods of storage. This process is necessary for the manufacturer to be able to guarantee 100% technical condition of the bearings and all parameters defined in the technical specifications.

The benefits of reconditioning service are bearing lifetime extension, prevention of deterioration and pollution of bearings, also prevention of bearing damage.

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